Attenition readers and GrreatTeacher ...7 days ago
You write above ... "Wealth of information if you type Menlo Park into the search function on this site. Just re-reading some of it.
"Multimillion dollar property owned by the local congregation and the CO wanted it sold. Elders would not agree since the congregation held the title. CO had them all removed and disfellowshipped and the congregation was disbanded."
I am sure that this is covered on other pages of this forum, but the Menlo Park Kingdom Hall was abandoned, gutted of all furniture (according to some contacts that were members), and eventually sold to a Hispanic / Mexican Protestant Church. There was a YouTube video of that church and one of its meetings (and it may still be on YouTube), but I could not find it when I recently looked.
Other sources connected to that location contacted me at various times and tried to give me more information or updates. While some left me cryptic messages and clues, I never was able to put the whole story together. But the fact is that the events surrounding the sale of that particular property lit the match that set off the Watchtower's eventual sell off of most of its US Kingdom Halls and many in other countries as well since that event.
What was funny about that whole situation was that the Watchtower's local big shots moved a congregation located just north of Menlo Park into Menlo Park's hall, and then kicked out the local elders and put in the elders from the other congregation. I do not know the status of all those elders, but I was informed that one of them (the eldest among them, I believe) recently passed away. He never stopped believing "the Truth." I had a very brief chance to meet him personally and he was very cordial, but was uncomfortable because I was "an apostate."
The whole Menlo Park situation was created by the Watchtower's local leaders. The existing congregation and its elders were not doing anything at all that cast a bad image on Jehovah, the existing membership, or even the Watchtower itself. If the Watchtower had been above board and honest about what it was trying to do, I am positive that local relocation and modifications could have been made over a short time and to the benefit of most of the members. But instead, the Watchtower used a heavy hand, damaged the reputation of the existing elders, and then bullied the members of the congregation. I've been working on a book about that incident for a couple of years, but due to other obligations and health issues, it will probably be spring of 2021 before I'll be ready to publish on Amazon. If and when I do, I will let everyone know.
My main point is that Menlo Park was the warning to all Jehovah's Witnesses that sometime in the near future all of their Kingdom Halls would be stolen and sold off - with all of the assets and money going directly to the Watchtower Society. And now we are watching (as regularly reported on YouTube by "Mike and Kim") the Watchtower Society selling off all of their assets in the USA, Canada, and much of Europe, as fast as they can. Rumors are that they will move the main headquarters to South America and run everything worldwide from there. Time will tell.